Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Cyberfair Thoughts

Participating in the 2011 Cyberfair is an unforgettable experience for me. I will always remember the fun times, hardships, and those sleepless nights we had doing our project. I had fun doing this project with my group mates. I learned the value of teamwork through this experience.

Our Cyberfair category is Historical Landmarks. Since we live in Baguio City, the site we have chosen is Diplomat Hotel because of the many stories and secrets behind it. We went to the site twice. The first time we went, we took pictures of the place. While taking pictures, I decided to have a little fun in the place. Me and my friend did some parkour but unfortunately, I failed twice. At least I went out of the Diplomat Gate without any injury. The second time we went, we filmed our project narrative which is necessary for the site.

We also learned HTML, CSS, Flash, Photoshop, and a little Javascript. To be honest it was very hard to learn some of these things. Until now, I still cannot understand Javascript. I guess I have to wait until it is properly taught to me for me to understand it. For me, the most interesting thing to do was editing pictures through Photoshop.

I will never forget this experience primarily because I went through this with my friends. I got to see the skills of my group mates and also widened my knowledge about web design.

I am glad that the 2011 Cyberfair was a part of my growing up because I learned so much. I can use the things I learned in the future.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, can I contact you through your email? I've something to share that might interest you.

