What is president Noynoy Aqiuno's 10-point agenda?
1. 12-year Basic Education Cycle
I will expand the basic education cycle, from a 10-year cycle to a globally-comparable 12 years, for our public school children. At present, those who can afford basic education get into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation.
2. Universal preschooling for all
All public school children will have preschool as their introduction to formal schooling by 2016, and we will make this available to all children regardless of income.
3. Madaris education as a sub-system within the education system
I want a full basic education for all Muslim Filipino children. This is to give proper respect to their culture while providing a sound curriculum in English, Filipino, science, and math. Madaris education, with subjects in Arabic language and Islamic values education, can be integrated in our public school curriculum as additional subjects.
4. Technical vocational education as an alternative stream in senior high school.
I will reintroduce technical-vocational education in our public high schools to better link schooling to local industry needs and employment. We need to provide an educational alternative to better prepare the students for the world of work.
5. “Every child a reader” by Grade 1
By the end of the next administration, every child must be a reader by Grade 1.
At the core of our children’s non-learning problems is the inability to read properly. By the end of the next administration (SY 2015-16), every child passing pre-school must be a reader by Grade 1.
6. Science and Math proficiency
I will rebuild the science and math infrastructure in schools so that we can produce more scientists, engineers, technicians, technologists and teachers in our universities so that this country can be more globally competitive in industry and manufacturing. To build a culture for science and math, I will promote science and math clubs and fairs.
7. Assistance to private schools as essential partners in basic education
I will expand government assistance to private education. A strong private school system will strengthen our public schools by providing parents an alternative and not adding to the overcrowding.
8. Medium of instruction rationalized
We should become trilingual nation: Learn English well and connect to the world. Learn Filipino well and connect to our country. Retain your dialect and connect with your heritage.
9. Quality textbooks
I will not tolerate poor textbook quality in our schools. Textbooks will be judged by three criteria: quality, better quality, and more quality. Poor quality textbooks have no place in our schools.
10. Covenant with the local governments to build more schools
I will build more schools in areas where there are no public or private schools in partnership with local governments, as well address our persistent classroom and teacher shortages. We need more schools with smaller populations so that teachers, students and parents can form a real learning community.
The list above I have taken from the following website:
I know that President Aquino has some good intentions, but he has to consider that the Philippines is not ready for a 12 year education system. One reason that our country is not yet ready is that the economy might be badly affected by it. When we will implement the 12 year education system, we would have to build more schools, classrooms, books, and we would have to hire more teachers. Our country's funds may not be enough to support all these changes. The government funds may all be concentrated on education and other needs may be neglected.
Another reason is that many parents may not be willing to subject their children to two more years of schooling because of financial problems. Their job may not be supportive of all their needs like food, clothes, medicine, and how much more for school with two additional years of education.
For some students, 10 years of school work is already stress enough. How much more if they will be sent to school for 2 years. It would be torture for them to undergo more lessons, assignments, etc. I talk from experience since we have been unloaded with a lot of assignments before. I don't approve of this 12 year education since it would instantly disrupt the flow of lessons that would be taught.
If two more years will be added to our basic education, teachers would try to rethink their lesson transition because it would be useless to teach the same thing to a student who already knows it. Children need to learn new things in order to survive in this ever changing world we live in.
It also says in my list of descriptions for the 10 point agenda that Every child reader by Grade 1. What if the child really has a difficulty in learning words and can't read until Grade 2? What if the child has a disability like dyslexia which will affect the reading of the child. It is very hard to say that every child will read when reaching the 1st Grade.
Although this are my views about the 10-point agenda of President Aquino, I also believe that he is doing it for the good of our country and for the future of the children. But he has to consider that many Filipinos are not ready for it now and just to make gradual changes so as to not take everyone by surprise in a dramatic change of the education system. In my opinion, I think President Aquino should think of a more logical solution that would benefit all Filipinos.
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