Monday, September 20, 2010

Human Sexuality Seminar: A very scary experience

Human Sexuality. Do we really need to go about this?

Last September 18,2010, we had a seminar that started 7:30 AM. What kind of seminar starts at 7:30 AM!? Much less that it was on a Saturday. That Saturday was supposed to be used at my disposal. Anyway, I attended the seminar. At the end I regretted attending it because of a nasty video. I won't discuss about the video first to create a feeling of suspense.

I arrived at 6:30 AM which was very irritating since no one was at school yet. I decided to go first to my friends house so we can go together. Once it was 7:30, we rushed to get to school on time just to find out that the seminar didn't start yet.

During the seminar, My eyes were heavy due to lack of sleep since I slept late because of all the assignments that were given. As we progressed through the seminar, I learn a lot of things even when I was half-asleep. I learned the consequences of early pregnancy. It just frustrates me because teenagers are still young yet some engage in sexual intercourse. They should have waited when they were married adults then they could have all the fun they want.

Teenage mothers have more problems to deal with now. They have to add caring for their baby to their list of priorities. As if school was bad enough. They have to carry the baby for nine months while doing schoolwork (if they do not get expelled from school first). They have to bear all the pains that come with child bearing. The father doesn't have that problem. He only has to worry about getting a job to support his unwanted family, which is hard enough because he has yet to acquire the knowledge he needs to find a well paying job. This is very unlikely because he can not support himself for his studies and his family.

There were videos that were shown during our break time. but I don't know how it was related to our talk.

Now for the video that made me regret going to that seminar. The first video was not all that bad since it was just a teenager who lied to her parents that her classmate was impregnated well in fact that she was the one who is pregnant. The second video was about a boy who was home alone and invited his girlfriend to go to his house and do "something". His girlfriend agreed. After they hung up, they thought about the consequences and soon realized that it was not supposed to be done. The girl called him and decided to cancel the "get together" and the boy agreed. This video shows that not all teens are thumbs up to the idea of sex. The third video gave me a very traumatic experience. It was a video of a woman giving birth. At first, it was not all that bad because nothing was shown. But later, the video showed the baby's head coming out which looked very scary and made me feel a little sick. I decided that in the future when my wife is giving birth that I would not look there. I MIGHT faint because I could remember this video.

Although the video scared me nearly half-dead, I learned that human sexuality is a gift from God to help Him in his plan for creation and not a toy to be played with. I hope you enjoyed my views about the seminar on Human Sexuality. Thanks for reading this blog. Please don't be afraid to leave a comment below. 


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