Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wanted 2

Wanted fans watch out. If you enjoyed the first movie, your going to get excited when I tell you this: There is going to Wanted 2. In fact, screenwriters Derek Haas and Michael Brandt were hired to start on the job way back in September. Wanted is based on Mark Millar's 2003 six-issue comic book with the same name.

As Derek Haas explains, the setting of the comic was in a world where the villains rid the world of heroes.  We'll be seeing much more of Terence Stamp in Wanted 2. He plays a rogue agent in the first film, operating outside of the fraternity.
The sequel got a huge budget: $150 million according to Superhero hype. This means that there is going to be a lot of effort that is going to be put into this movie with stunning special effects and a lot more.

James McAvoy will of course reprise his role in Wanted. But what's more surprising is to hear that Angelina Jolie is likely to be back too. Did you think that she died in the first film? Well think again because Hollywood is going to prove you wrong.

This awe inspiring, stunning stunts, and bullet curving movie masterpiece is sure to get us all excited for when it comes out.

Sadly, they have not yet released (or made) the official movie trailer of Wanted 2. To take the place where I was going to put the Wanted 2 trailer, I'm just going to put the trailer of the first movie. Something's better than nothing right? Just imagine it as being the trailer for both movies for now.

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